Beautiful of November
First Tughtorial Pashmina
Malam-malam mengupdate blog . Huhhhs~


Hai guys , Ok harini entah angin mana datang merasuk diri tertiba teghasa nak buat "TUGHTOGHIAL" Pashmina , Dulu , aku tak reti nak pakai pashmina cengini , Tapi bila try buat banyak kali  , Jadi lah pula , So just nak share dekat kawan-kawan , Mana yang nak buat style simple cengini , Dont worry , Style macam ni , tutup dada ok ? itu pun kalau niat nak tutup dada ah , Hopefully niat biar ah betul kalau nak bertudung , Kan ? :D So Enjoy guys <3

Gua tau gua sakai , muka selekeh , Peduli :D

Posted at 8:12:00 AM | 0 CintaBergerak


Assalamualaikum, Yayable for the friendly calling.
"Every man needs a woman when his life's a mess , because just like the game of chess.The Queen protects the King"-EAMC



Blogskin: Farrah Midori
Basecode: Speaking Bunny
Background : Farrah-MidoriEditor : Yayable

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