Beautiful of November
Assalamualaikum, hello readers!

Lama tak jenguk blog tercinhta ini, lama tak tabur kasih sayang secukupnya, I tambah lagu sikit tukar background sikit nak tukar header I don't have any idea yang menarik. Sejak study ni seriously busy gila. bukan busy apa pun busy dengan assignment, life, student, bergambar, macam-macam kata cousin kalah perdana menteri, but it is a part of my life and my responsible as a student. Amboi jahkau  speaking omputih!!

Well, lately disebabkan pressure emotion and life, i has make a trouble to people around me. I'm really sorry. But for this short sem holiday yang hanya sebulan je. Sebulan? Nak buat apa sebulan. Kerja pun macam tak berbaloi je. So goyang kaki, besarkan perut perut dengan riangnya. Hahaha I do miss my friends and especially the ocean. Yes ocean. The ocean that me feel peaceful.

Oit amenda aku merepek cakap omputih, well blog ini banyak untuk aku expersikan perasaan aku dan hidup aku. So let it go. Try to keep climb to the moutain, and never give up. Let begones be begones. Betul daq ayat aku? Ke salah? Biarkan semuanya berlalu dan berbiarkan ianya berlalu. Haaa kan senang cakap melayu.

Have a enjoy holiday!

Posted at 1:47:00 AM | 0 CintaBergerak


Assalamualaikum, Yayable for the friendly calling.
"Every man needs a woman when his life's a mess , because just like the game of chess.The Queen protects the King"-EAMC



Blogskin: Farrah Midori
Basecode: Speaking Bunny
Background : Farrah-MidoriEditor : Yayable

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